None of the cycling routes that appear on this website are signposted. Therefore to follow them on the ground, it is essential to use a GPS tracking method.
From the Downloads section of each route, you can obtain the tracks of the routes both in GPX and KMZ format. These files can be uploaded to a specific GPS device (Garmin, TwoNav, etc.), and then the route can be tracked with that device. The files can also be downloaded to a cell phone, either Android or iOS, and then tracked using certain phone applications. There are many such applications for both types of operating systems.
Finally, in the Downloads section of each route, you can also access the Wikiloc web page via cell phone, containing the track of that route. If you have the Wikiloc application on your cell phone, you can track the route on the ground or even download it to track it offline in case there is no coverage on any section of the route.