9. Campo de Belchite Tour: Stage 1

Valmadrid, Lécera
Data Sheet
Distance: 61 km
Total elevation gain: 675 m
Estimated time: 4-6 h
Starting points: Valmadrid, Lécera
Difficulty: Medium
Tracking: GPS

We propose a complete "tour" of the Campo de Belchite region: a two-stage circular route, suitable for bikepacking, which covers most of its towns and villages. The route can be started in any of the towns that are crossed.

From Valmadrid, the route starts on the road to Torrecilla and soon takes a track that climbs up to the Valdesimpor repeater. After descending through the pine forest and crossing the road to Belchite, it continues through spectacular scenery through La Lomaza and El Planerón, and continues towards Codo. After the obligatory visit to Belchite, it heads south to pass over the Aguasvivas river and continues through crops to Lécera.

3. Route of the Cucutas

  • 30,3 km
  • 565 m
  • GPS

4. Pine forests and ravines

Valmadrid, Belchite, Puebla de Albortón
  • 74 km
  • 970 m
  • GPS

5. Zafrane´s Gorge

Valmadrid, Puebla de Albortón
  • 36,3 km
  • 500 m
  • GPS

10. Campo de Belchite Tour: Stage 2

Lécera, Valmadrid
  • 77,1 km
  • 1000 m
  • GPS

1. El Planerón on pedals

Belchite, Codo
  • 40,7 km
  • 220 m
  • GPS

2. Belchite - Lécera

Belchite, Lécera
  • 56,2 km
  • 650 m
  • GPS

8. La Lomaza Gravel

Codo, Puebla de Albortón
  • 49,2 km
  • 350 m
  • GPS

It is essential to carry water. The only fountains on the route are in Codo and Belchite.

Avoid days of cierzo (strong wind from the west) and where you might experience too much sun exposure (e.g. maximum summer sun)

Avoid making loud noises and disturbing wildlife; the route crosses a protected area for birds.       

Route map
Elevation profile
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