6. Moyuela-Plenas Leg Breaker

Moyuela, Plenas
Data Sheet
Distance: 26,2 km
Total elevation gain: 475 m
Estimated time: 2-3 h
Starting points: Moyuela, Plenas
Difficulty: Medium
Tracking: GPS

Short but demanding route that joins the towns of Moyuela and Plenas, crossing several ravines. The route coincides for the most part with the short route of the Moyuela’s MTB Leg Breaker, which has been held since 2010.

From Moyuela, the route starts heading south, crossing the fields that border the wasteland on the Seco river. After descending and crossing the Santa María river, the route crosses the village of Plenas and heads towards the hermitage of Carrascal. The climb to the hermitage from the river is short but difficult. Then, after a gentle descent, the crops give way to scrubland and the ascent begins to Tarayola viewpoint. From there, the initial rapid descent becomes smoother as you reach Moyuela.


7. Route of the Moneva Reservoir

Moyuela, Azuara, Moneva
  • 49,8 km
  • 530 m
  • GPS

10. Campo de Belchite Tour: Stage 2

Lécera, Valmadrid
  • 77,1 km
  • 1000 m
  • GPS

It is essential to carry water. The only fountain on the route is in Codo.

Avoid days of cierzo (strong wind from the west) and where you might experience too much sun exposure (e.g. maximum summer sun)

The route can be started in either of the two towns.

Route map
Elevation profile
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