3. Route of the Cucutas

Data Sheet
Distance: 30,3 km
Total elevation gain: 565 m
Estimated time: 2-3 h
Starting points: Lécera
Difficulty: Medium
Tracking: GPS

This is a short route for everyone. It is possible to increase its difficulty by making the ascents (optional) to the hermitage of Olivar and the mountain of Las Cucutas, the highest point of the region.

From Lécera, the route heads south and crosses the road to Albalate del Arzobispo. In a gentle but steady ascent, it first reaches the detour to the hermitage of Nuestra Señora del Olivar, also known as La Rebollosa. Shortly after, we reach the detour that leads to Las Cucutas. Both ascents are short and are done in both directions. The one to Las Cucutas is the most demanding as it ascends about 150 meters in less than one kilometer. The return to Lécera consists of a first gentle descent and a final flat stretch.

9. Campo de Belchite Tour: Stage 1

Valmadrid, Lécera
  • 61 km
  • 675 m
  • GPS

10. Campo de Belchite Tour: Stage 2

Lécera, Valmadrid
  • 77,1 km
  • 1000 m
  • GPS

2. Belchite - Lécera

Belchite, Lécera
  • 56,2 km
  • 650 m
  • GPS

It is essential to carry water. The only fountain on the route is in Lécera.

Avoid days of cierzo (strong wind from the west) and where you might experience too much sun exposure (e.g. maximum summer sun).

The ascent to Las Cucutas is optional and very steep; if it were to be done, the difficulty of the route would become high.


Route map
Elevation profile
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